Cry For Help - Short Story

“Our planet is a beautiful place. A blue and green sphere with speckles of white, full of life. A beautiful and peaceful place where all species live in harmony. –“

This was the beginning of the first page of the old dusty book that Luke had found in the cellar of his house.

He closed the book with an audible thud, his head spun with the effort of trying to imagine the blue, green and white sphere that was supposed to be Earth. For a person who had never seen any blue water, green trees or white snow, it was a difficult thing to believe let alone visualize.

He decided to go out for a walk. Going outside would be safe now as it was twilight. The sun wouldn't scorch his worn down suit.

He donned his suit, attached his oxygen tank and stepped out of the house. Even though it was twilight, the heat burned his covered skin.

Eyes watering, he looked around himself, trying to catch a glimpse of the blue ocean near the horizon or maybe a tree that still had leaves left on it. He walked along the beach outside his house and tried to imagine how the sand under his feet would feel like but all he could feel through his shoes was hard plastic, buried under the sand.

The ocean water was buried under a thick layer of plastic and the waves deposited plastic along the once clean and beautiful coastline.

Was this water blue once? Did it have life once? Could we breathe without a suit? Did we grow food on this soil? Were the temperatures always this extreme?

A hundred questions rushed through his mind but there was no one to give him an answer because the people who made this mess were long gone. Now it was their job to clean up their mess and hope that the planet was still salvageable.

Otherwise they were standing on the brink of extinction.

With this thought Luke turned back to go home, determined to do something to help Mother Nature.

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