Just a thought

I don’t know why I finally decided to write this piece.

A couple of days ago, my friends and I were travelling in a car, eating ice cream and one of my friends threw the ice cream cup out of the window. I know this isn't a big deal for a lot of people, its actually pretty normal for a lot of us. But this made me realize that even educated people lack the basic... (I don’t know the right word for this) sense of responsibility towards the environment.

I guess some things are not learnt from books.  

Our generation, the new generation doesn’t really care about anything except for themselves. They are too selfish and self centered to give a damn about anything or anybody else. All they care about is what phone they use, taking selfies, posting pictures on social media,  getting likes on social media, putting a lot ( and I mean a lot) of makeup... u can barely recognize the person without it. Well, I can go on and on but I think you get the gist of it. It’s basically all about the show.

People don’t even know what kind of impact they have on the environment. Have you ever wondered how much carbon footprint do we generate everyday?  Well the answer is a lot. Everyday we use vehicles, electricity, plastic etc. These things create a lot of pollution and that comprises of our carbon footprint each day.

Did you know that it takes about 13 tons of fresh water to manufacture 1 Smartphone? Well it does and on an average we change our phones at least once a year, some people change theirs once in a couple of months. Only 0.3% of freshwater is available for use and we use 13 tons of that scarce amount of freshwater for manufacturing 1 Smartphone which we discard in about a year of use.

My reason for writing this article was to try and make people aware of the fact that everything is not about showing off because you are showing off at the expense of the planet. If things keep going this way, we will be ending up with an uninhabitable planet with no food and no other resources to live on and eventually we will perish. 
If you think this kind of situation is far, well its not that far, we are already standing on the brink of an impending apocalypse.


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