
Showing posts from September, 2018

Just a thought

I don’t know why I finally decided to write this piece. A couple of days ago, my friends and I were travelling in a car, eating ice cream and one of my friends threw the ice cream cup out of the window. I know this isn't a big deal for a lot of people, its actually pretty normal for a lot of us. But this made me realize that even educated people lack the basic... (I don’t know the right word for this) sense of responsibility towards the environment. I guess some things are not learnt from books.   Our generation, the new generation doesn’t really care about anything except for themselves. They are too selfish and self centered to give a damn about anything or anybody else. All they care about is what phone they use, taking selfies, posting pictures on social media,   getting likes on social media, putting a lot ( and I mean a lot) of makeup... u can barely recognize the person without it. Well, I can go on and on but I think you get the gist of it. It’s basically